As the growing season progresses, the gardener needs to monitor their plants growth. The goal is to provide the basic items that the plant needs to remain healthy. Warmer temperatures are going to speed up plant growth. Adequate nitrogen will be required to support this increase growth.

A soil test will identify what is in the soil for plants to use. Available phosphorus and potassium levels are identified and recommendations can be suggested from the soil test. Most of our soil has enough phosphorus and potassium. Garden soils are not generally tested for nitrogen. The availability of nitrogen changes continually.

The addition of nitrogen to a plant in need is readily observed. Nitrogen promotes rapid vegetative growth particularly with grasses. It is a vital element in the formation and function of chlorophyll which is a key ingredient imparting dark green color.

Adequate nitrogen for the plant does many import functions not visible. It synthesizes amino acids which in turn form protein. Nitrogen will regulate the uptake of other nutrients. Nucleic acid and enzymes need nitrogen to fulfill their roles.

Nitrogen is in our air, organic matter, water and soil. The goal is to have the right amount available at the right time for the plant to use. There may be enough naturally or some addition is needed. Each gardener will need to make that decision.

There are three nitrogen only fertilizers likely available. Urea, ammonium sulfate and blood meal are the ones I can find. All are readily available to the plant by watering them into the root zone right after applying.

They vary in concentration of nitrogen. Urea is the most concentrated with slightly over two pounds equaling a pound of actual nitrogen. It would take slightly over eight pounds of blood meal to make an actual pound of nitrogen. A little less than five pounds of ammonium sulfate are needed.

A publication on top or side dressing nitrogen fertilizer is available online on the website. Click on “Lawn and Garden” and then soil testing/fertilizing. The publication is also available at any of our Extension publication racks located throughout Riley County such as the Manhattan Public Library.

Contact Gregg by calling 785-410-5336 or send an e-mail to

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