Duplicate Bridge Club

Georgia Reynolds and Nancy Gugler won the Manhattan Duplicate Bridge Club game March 25. Elizabeth Jankord and Linda Schottler were second, Suzanne Crawford and Mike Grant were third, Larry Corah and Roger Allerheiligen were fourth, and Robin Spencer and Tom Shields were second in flight B. The club meets at the Seniors’ Center at 1 p.m. each Monday and invites all bridge players. For more information or partnerships, call Pam at 785-456-3117.

Manhattan Lions Club

The Manhattan Lions Club met March 5 in the Blue Hills Room. The meeting was called to order by President Diana Chapel at 6:15 p.m. with 18 members and 2 guests present. Lion Carol Hockesmith led everyone in singing “God Bless America” followed by “Lions Roar.” After saying the Pledge of Allegiance, Lion Duane Sherwood gave the invocation. Lions Melissa McIntyre and Diana Chapel had birthdays.

The Lions still have solar glasses available for the Solar Eclipse on April 8. Lion Alan Van Namen is in charge of the highway cleanup on April 18 on Zeandale Road at 8 a.m. It is an important project to help keep our highway looking good.

The program for the evening was on Kitchen Restore presented by Janice Reitz and Linda Beech. Kitchen Kits for four people including pans, dishes, glasses, came so people can cook and eat healthy. It was an initiative of the Food and Farm Council manned by volunteers.

The next meeting will be April 2 in the Blue Hills Room.

Manhattan Rotary Club

The Manhattan Rotary Club meeting March 21 was canceled to remember and celebrate the life of fellow Rotarian Phil Howe at the Manhattan Country Club. Phil joined the Manhattan Rotary Club in 2001. He embodied the Rotary International motto of “Service Above Self” and always thought of others before himself. Phil’s dedication to philanthropy and his unwavering commitment to serving our community left an indelible mark on all of us. Phil was a Paul Harris Fellow Plus Seven recognizing his monetary contributions to the Rotary Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Rotary.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Howe family and friends during this challenging time. Let us remember him fondly and carry forward his legacy of kindness and generosity.

Solar Kiwanis Club

The Manhattan Solar Kiwanis Club met at noon on March 26, at the Blue Hills Room. There were 8 members present and two guests, Arli Schultz and Madi Bishop. Club President Karl Dean led the meeting. Charlie Sargent and Warren Prawl led the song, Chad Tepe led the pledge and Vera Williams gave the invocation.

We had no club members with a birthday before our next weekly meeting. We had no club members with an anniversary before our next weekly meeting.

Announcements were led by President Dean. Due to the K-State women’s NCAA basketball tournament schedule, our club’s highway cleanup has been rescheduled for April 20. The pickup will begin at 9 a.m. and should be completed by 11 a.m. The meeting place is the Key Realty parking lot at 3620 Legion Lane in St. George (southwest corner of U.S. Highway 24 and Legion Lane intersection).

Nominations for Solar Kiwanian Of The Year (SKOTY) closed on March 19. An election form was mailed to all Solarians on March 25. The voting deadline will be April 9. Ballots are to be sent to Charlie Sargent in the envelope provided or email your vote to sargentcharlie37@gmail.com. The Solarians nominated for 2023-2024 SKOTY are Phil Anderson, Jim Bach, Doug Denning, Ed Herde, Chad Tepe and Vera Williams.

The Riley County High School Kiwanis Key Club invited our club members to their place for a “Meet and Greet” breakfast March 22.

Solarians Pam Fajen, Charlie Sargent, Doug Denning, Doug Ackley and Karl Dean attended and presented the Riley County Key Club with a check for $500 to help with Key Club expenses. Vera Williams has set up an interclub with the Junction City South Kiwanis Club on April 8, and is looking for volunteers to attend with her. They meet at La Fiesta in Junction City at 6:30 p.m. and carpooling will be available. Club members are to let Vera know if they can participate.

President Dean called on Solarian Chad Tepe to introduce our speaker, Melissa Kirkwood, marketing and development officer for the Manhattan Sunset Zoo. Kirkwood updated us on the current and future plans for the zoo.

One of the future plans is for Sunset Zoo to become a KultureCity Zoo. KultureCity is an impactful nonprofit organization dedicated to creating sensory accessibility and inclusion for those with invisible disabilities. Their mission is to help individuals with sensory needs and their families feel accepted and included in every aspect of community life.

They work towards this goal by providing resources, education, and partnerships to make public spaces more accommodating and inclusive. Our club will raise funds during the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation Grow Green Days in order to help the Sunset Zoo become a KultureCity certified zoo.

Solar Kiwanis meets at noon at the Blue Hills Room next to RC McGraw’s in the Blue Hills Shopping Center. Our next weekly meeting will be April 2, and Solarian Tim Lindemuth will tell us all about the counterfeiting of the 20c U.S. Flag stamp in 1983. Contact Secretary Doug Ackley (rda@ksu.edu or 785-539-4945).

Welcome Club

The Welcome Club of Manhattan met March 21 at the Blue Hills Room for the monthly luncheon and meeting with President Sharon Stemple presiding. There was a guest, Vania Folegatti, brought by Kathy Lanksbury. Ann Smith is a new member.

Member Jody Cheatum shared information on Quilts and Quilting Guilds in Manhattan. She showed several quilt designs, including a Quilt of Valor for veterans. Treasurer Bobbi Schesser gave the financial report. President Sharon presented long-stemmed roses to birthday celebrants Connie Noble, Linda Conner and Marilyn Gobel.

April activities include First Tuesday Bunko April 2; Third Monday Bunko April 15; Hand and Foot cards April 11 and 25; Bridge April 26; Book Club April 9; Coffee Tyme April 12; Mexican Train April 23. The April luncheon will be held at the Blue Hills Room April 18.

The Welcome Club is open to all new and current members of the Manhattan community. For more information call Sharon Zierlein, membership chair, at 785-282-0594, or Sharon Stemple, president, at 480-220-1340, for club activities or reservations.