Q: My family wonders how USD 383’s scaled-back school year meets Kansas requirements for students to have 1,116 hours / 173 days in the classroom? When we did the math, the time seemed too short.

A: The math doesn’t just include how much time students spend in the classroom.

According to Assistant Superintendent Eric Reid, the requirement for 1,116 student hours are calculated during student attendance days and includes time for parent-teacher conferences. It also counts 50% of the time the licensed staff spends on professional development.

USD 383 has exceeded the minimal amount of time each year, Reid said.

The Kansas State Department of Education conducts a time audit each year to ensure the schools are meeting the requirements.

You can submit a question to this column by e-mail to questions@themercury.com, or by regular mail to Questions, P.O. Box 787, Manhattan, KS 66505.

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