My least favorite plant is poison ivy. When I was younger it didn’t bother me, but I lost my tolerance. Just looking at it causes a reaction. It takes some loose oil to cause the skin blisters and itches.

The rhyme of three leaves and let it be, helps with identification. Technically, the three leaflets make up one true leaf. Edges of the leaves are smooth, jagged or lobed. It can climb up or spread over the ground and sometimes looks like a shrub.

Several methods can be used to remove poison ivy and other weeds. All plants can be killed by continually removing the leaves and starving the plant. This will require persistence. Prune as low on the plant as possible and keep removing any new growth.

Protective clothing is particularly necessary for poison ivy since cutting it will expose the oily sap that causes the skin rash. Use lots and lots of cold water and soap to clean any exposed skin, clothing and tools.

Putting black plastic or bucket over the plant is another way to get rid of it. This method will take a while but once in place won’t need additional attention like the pruning method. It may take all summer to kill it.

The use of an herbicide is the quickest method of control. It can either be foliar applied or on some herbicide labels stump applied. Two commonly selected herbicides are triclopyr and glyphosate.

Always read and carefully follow all directions on the container label. You will then be using the product in its safest and most effective manner. If you have leftover pesticides, you may take them to the local household hazardous waste facility. The Riley County site is at 6245 Tuttle Creek Boulevard.

People bring plant samples into the Extension office for identification. Some samples like poison ivy, a picture brought in or sent by email are preferred by me. When a sample or picture doesn’t work, the Extension agent can drop by and look.

If you have a problem or question about gardening, I hope to hear from you.

Gregg may be contacted at 785-537-6350 or stopping by 110 Courthouse Plaza in Manhattan or e-mail:

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