This is one of the best times of the gardening year here in Riley County.

The Manhattan Area Garden Tour will be on Saturday, June 22. There are five private gardens, along with the Manhattan Community Gardens, and the Gardens at Kansas State University to be showcased. Take in any or all of them from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Each garden will have its own character. The best part is getting to talk with the property owner. You can talk about their shade and container gardening for instance.

Flowers, water features, and a fairy garden may be a point of discussion. Patios, sitting areas and relaxation are a common topic for the gardens. Check out the website for garden addresses and location map.

A big thank you to these gardeners for allowing the public to share in their gardening enthusiasm. The garden tour can’t happen without community members willing to share. We are always looking for future gardens and their owner(s) willingness to be on the tour. Let us know of a potential garden.

For the past 35 years, the tour has shown 165 gardens. This will be the fourth time for the Lindemuth Garden. I enjoy returning to a garden to see how it has changed.

Consider joining the Master Gardener program this fall when the next class is formed. The dates of the training is on the Riley County Master Gardener website.

Gregg may be contacted by calling 785-537-6350, stopping by 110 Courthouse Plaza in Manhattan or e-mail:

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