Q: Craig Bowser, who’s running for Kansas Senate District 22, just rents an apartment in Manhattan. Does that count as living in a district, and why is he running here?

A: According to the Kansas Secretary of State office, any legislator or candidate up for election to the Legislature must be a qualified elector and reside in their district.

The Bowsers tend a farm near Holton, which their family has owned since the ‘40s, and they rent an apartment in west Manhattan. According to the office, that would still satisfy the requirements.

Bowser said he lives and works every day in Manhattan and travels to the farm as necessary. If elected, he plans on keeping both places.

“I took over the leadership role of a small business based in Manhattan over a year ago and have resided here ever since,” Bowser, a Republican, told The Mercury. Bowser is the CEO of SAVE Farm, an organization that aims to help members of the military transition to the agribusiness field.

“I am very proud of the fact that our business employs people here in Manhattan and we contribute to the local economy,” he said. “I’m also very proud of the fact that our organization provides training and job opportunities for military veterans and others who are interested in agriculture careers.”

Bowser said he still farms the ground in Holton himself, and his son attends Holton High School because he and his wife didn’t want their son to have to switch schools in the middle of a pandemic. Bowser added that his son plans to go to K-State after graduation.

As a veteran, farmer and businessman himself, Bowser said he was inspired to run to help those in similar positions.

“We love Manhattan and the Flint Hills, and we especially love the people of this area,” he said. “I’m running for office because I believe Kansas can do better. We’ve got too many career politicians in Topeka who have forgotten the values of limited government, hard work and common sense. I’ll get government out of the way so our farmers, our businesses and our families can prosper.”

Bowser is up against incumbent Sen. Tom Hawk, D-Manhattan, in the Nov. 3 election.

You can submit a question to this column by e-mail to questions@themercury.com, or by regular mail to Questions, P.O. Box 787, Manhattan, KS 66505.

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