A 63-year-old Riley County man who lived at Via Christi Village died Wednesday morning after testing positive for the coronavirus Nov. 2.

Officials on Wednesday confirmed this is the 13th coronavirus-related fatality in the county. The man died at Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan.

On Wednesday, Riley County recorded 10 coronavirus-related hospitalizations at Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan, the most since the start of the pandemic. Four of those are in the intensive care unit. 

Also on Wednesday, Riley County added 114 new cases since Monday and confirmed a new outbreak at Crèche, a daycare center in Manhattan. That outbreak has six active cases, officials said. 

The total number of cases since the pandemic began in March in Riley County is 2,637. Of those, 351 are active, 2,273 have recovered and 13 people have died. Ten people recovered from the virus since Monday, officials said. 

There are eight total outbreaks in Riley County:

  • Alpha of Clovia at K-State: seven active, zero recovered
  • Beta Sigma Psi at K-State: five active, zero recovered
  • K-State football team: 10 active, 66 recovered
  • K-State track and field and cross country team: 27 active, zero recovered
  • Leonardville Nursing Home: 12 active, zero recovered, one fatality
  • Via Christi Village: five active, zero recovered, one fatality
  • Oct. 17 wedding: 10 active, 32 recovered
  • Crèche: six active, zero recovered

The rate of positive cases for Riley County from Nov. 1-7 is 9.1%, down 0.3 percentage points from the 9.4% rating from Oct. 25-31. The two-week average rate is 9.21%, officials said Wednesday. 

Riley County contact tracing staff is making the calls to 118 people who had positive tests at the free coronavirus testing event last week; officials tested 525 people. Free testing for the coronavirus is available every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. at CiCo Park in Manhattan, except the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

Riley County Health Department Director Julie Gibbs will not present a video update on the coronavirus Wednesday. The next update is planned for Nov. 18.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment on Wednesday reported 5,672 new cases, 34 new deaths and 114 new hospitalizations since Monday. 

KDHE has reported 109,225 cases, 4,252 hospitalizations and 1,215 deaths statewide since the start of the pandemic. 

On Wednesday, Geary County reported 23 new cases for a total of 677. Pottawatomie County recorded 19 new cases since Monday for a total of 506.