We’re likely still stuck, even after the train-wreck presidential debate last week, with a choice between two doddering old men, one of them clearly losing it, the other a felon. It’s preposterous; I blame both parties for this.

But before we get down to the dismal business of picking one over the other in a few months, let’s consider who would have been better.

Well, let’s see. Laura Kelly. Jerry Moran. Karla Hagemeister. John Ford. Barry Wilkerson. Shilo Heger. Peter Oppelt and Susan Adamchak are off to good starts. Tom Phillips. Kent Glasscock. Ron Fehr? He doesn’t have much to do anymore; he could at least be president on Tuesday nights. Joe Schartz. Kitra Schartz. The Manhattan High offensive line. Jerome Tang. Chris Klieman. I’d say Gene Taylor, but if he splits town then Klieman and Tang go, too.

Our goldendoodles are really sweet to friendly people, but they also bark ferociously at hostile foreign powers threatening to invade. Better than cozying up to Putin or playing footsie with the North Korean kook, or wandering around a European summit, dazed and confused. Lola/Bruce 2024! I’ll get the t-shirts made up, pronto.

It’s not particularly funny, but at this point laughing is the best option. Despair and apathy are not helpful.

I suppose glee is another option, if you’re living in Trumpistan. As in, “see, we told you so!” True enough, in the limited sense of President Biden’s skyrocketing senility.

Thing is, the candidates of America’s two political parties are a felon who flunks the only real test that matters — abiding by the results of an election — and an octogenarian who often can’t finish sentences. Oh, for the days of Bush 1 and Mondale, boring and competent. Glee is not really fitting. Humor? Probably not, either.

I bought a big new American flag over the weekend, drove the screws into the wall outside the garage for the bracket, put her up. Looked good.

Stand beside her

And guide her

Through the night with the light from above

Yep. The night, that’s where we are. But better days are coming. Just gotta be.