Consider this amended version of letter

Don McCullough’s letter to the editor, “Biden’s poor public speaking not a new issue” is a good example of how political issues are interpreted quite differently. If the candidate’s name, political party are switched along with a few edited adjectives, McCullough’s letter can be flipped to the opposite point of view. My edits are shown in italics within his letter below. The reader can decide which characteristics of a future president might be better, or worse, for our country in the long run:

“A number of very disturbing issues regarding our political system were emphasized by the Presidential Debate at the end of last month. Probably the most apparent was the performance of former President Biden Trump showing that this man is incapable morally unsuited to be president of the United States.

This demonstrates both the terrible judgment of the Democratic Republican leaders for promoting a man like Biden Trump for the position of the President and the continuous lies the Democratic Republican Party has told to the American public over the last few years regarding the state of Joe Biden’s health issues of national importance.

Anyone who has watched Biden Trump for the last several years knows that he has been confused untruthful and disoriented dishonorable enough times over the past few years that a pattern of narcissistic behavior has emerged.

This may be the most frightening part of the whole equation: Picture Biden Trump and his mental incapacity his quest to stay in power in three or four years.

This lack of trust in the honesty and judgment of the Democratic Republican Party coupled with their policy decisions, including inflation, tax cuts that favor large corporations, border control, gender dynamics, Afghanistan and a lack of support for Ukraine, and reproductive rights for women, makes me wonder how anyone could vote for Biden Trump, and for that matter, any Democrat pro-Trump Republican in the upcoming November elections. To do so would invite disaster for America and the American way of life.”

While there has always been political deceit on both sides, some sins are worse than others when it comes to national importance. For important issues facing the country to be discussed in good faith, a line needs to be set between truth and fiction. Otherwise, there is no reference point to start the conversation. Opinions are different than facts.

Poor intentions are different than malicious intent. I have been a registered Republican for more than 30 years and have voted for the Republican ticket a vast majority of the time. But no longer.

Biden is now out of the race, and Vice President Kamala Harris is in. But it wouldn’t have mattered who replaced him. I would vote for Donald Duck before voting for Donald Trump.

David Grieger

212 Ivy Drive

How I got rid

of Parkinson’s

I “HAD” Parkinson’s and most of the other common metabolic/chronic (non contagious) disorders such as Type 2 diabetes, Stage 3 kidney failure, hypertension, fatty liver, Type 1 bipolar disorder, acid reflux, sleep apnea, etc.

At the age of 75 I got rid of all my symptoms, medications and other treatments beginning July 12, 2019, by doing a long-term/sustained water fast (62 days) followed by the ancestrally appropriate diet (primarily animal products) eaten in 1-2 closely spaced meals after noon each day with occasional longer term fasts every few weeks.

It turns out that most of the health problems we struggle with today are self induced disorders brought on by eating the wrong things (plant materials) far too often (average 6.7 meals/day).

Our bodies simply were not designed to digest plant molecules nor to be trying to digest material all day.

Over the past 100 years, or so, as we’ve increased the amount of plant material in our diets, outside invaders, bacteria of all kinds, have moved primarily into our large intestines to eat/digest the plant, mostly “wood” molecules that we store there until we eliminate them.

Worse yet while these bugs are “digesting” the plant molecules waiting to be eliminated, they give off many chemicals of their own to add to the toxins, lectins and other anti-nutrients contained within the plant material itself so as some of these poisons leak into our blood stream our body’s immune system is triggered and inflammation becomes a serious problem causing most of the metabolic disorders we suffer from today. At 79 years old, I’m living proof that correcting what and when we eat will allow our bodies to heal unbelievably.

Ron Roesler

2217 Stone Post Road