Duplicate Bridge Club

Kathleen Oldfather and Katie Philp won the Manhattan Duplicate Bridge Club game July 1. Katha Hurt and Dianne Childs were second, Nancy Ryan and Lyn Patterson were third, Linda Schottler and Mory Mort were fourth. Nancy Gugler and Georgia Reynolds were second in flight B. The club meets Mondays at the Seniors’ Center and invites all bridge players. For more information or partnerships, call Pam at 785-456-3117.

East Kansas Model T Club

The East Central Kansas Model T Ford Club meets the second Thursday of the month. The ECKMTs will meet at 6:30 p.m. on July 11 in the conference room of the Burlington library. The Library is located on U.S. Highway 75 in Burlington. Members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share with the meal.

The meetings are a time to share experiences and information about the cars and car projects. Members will share information on the Car Show and Tour they attended in Lebo on June 29.

The ECKMTs is a family organization and a chapter of the not for profit National Model T Club of America. Owning a Model T is not a requirement for membership. All meetings are open to the public. Please feel free to visit. For additional information call Bud Redding 785-733-2124.

Manhattan Rotary Club

President Mitzi Richards opened the meeting welcoming Konza Rotarian Michelle Sink and thanking greeter Dave Lewis. Guests were Hadley and Harlo Newman, Jennifer and Tristyn Torrey, Kirk Lowell, Brady Armstrong, Boys and Girls Club, Alexis McWilliams, and Derrick Jackson, Greater Manhattan Community Foundation. Ben Johnson was introduced as a returning member. The meeting served as the annual awards ceremony and transferring of the gavel. C. Clyde Jones joined us to announce the Rotarian of the Year – Janet Lowell, senior vice president-retail of Central National Bank. Blue and Gold Awardees were Tom Phillips and Bob Ward. Chris Culbertson and Ronnie Elmore were awarded Paul Harris +2 pins.

Richards listed the club’s 2023-2024 accomplishments including:

· Completing service projects. Examples are the Kansas River cleanup, home repair for Homestead Ministries, volunteering for the Bill Snyder Run and packaging care kits.

· Receiving and distributing about $3.2 million in donated goods to over 100 nonprofits through the Community Cares Chest.

· Continuing to support the Rotaract Club (34th year) and Interact Clubs. The Rotaract Club was recognized as the Kansas State University Student Organization for 2024.

· Recognizing Polio Plus Society members and Paul Harris Fellows. Polio Plus Society are: Dale Bradley, Mike Dodson, Steven Graham, Vern Henricks, Dave Lewis, Therese Miller, Randy Peterson, Tom Phillips, Bill Richter, Dick Seaton, Vernon Turner and Bill Wolf.

· Contributing cup money to 12 non-profits totaling over $6,000.

· Donating speaker books to local elementary school libraries

· Sending four students to the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA)

· Providing two scholarships to Manhattan High School students

· Honoring Emeritus Rotary members – Ole Olsen (20 years) and Bill Varney (64 years)

The meeting ended with the passing of the gavel from President Mitzi to incoming President Randy Peterson with a standing ovation for Mitzi’s leadership. Randy outlined some of his goals including mental health projects, involving more Rotarians in service projects and improving meeting attendance.