Lions Club

The Manhattan Lions club met June 4 in the Blue Hills Room. The meeting was called to order by President Diana Chapel at 6:15 p.m. with 22 members and a guest present. Lion Preston Chapel led everyone in singing “God Bless America” and “Lions Roar.” Lion Diana Chapel gave the invocation.

Following the meal, the installation of officers for 2024-25 took place with Lion PCC Beverly Greenwood officiating. The new slate of officers are Carol Hockersmith as president, Duaine Sherwood as vice-president, Diana Chapel as past president, Bill Witt as treasurer, Chris Wilson as secretary, Lela Gillispie as administrator, Mike Carlson and Michael Ott as tail twisters, Duaine Sherwood and Dave Schafer as Lion tamers, and Preston Chapel, Don Robertson, K Taylor and Jay Davis as at-large members.

Kay Carothers was reinstalled as a member of the Manhattan Lions Club.

Following the installation, the meeting closed with the song “Smile True Lions.” The next meeting will be July 2 at the Blue Hills Room.

Manhattan Rotary Club

Lori Goetsch and Bill Richter served as greeters for the June 20 meeting. Robbin Cole introduced Rohan Amare, a Post-doctoral Fellow at MD Anderson. Linda Morse introduced Representative Sydney Carlin of the 66th District.

President Mitzi thanked everyone who assisted with the Juneteenth luncheon. Rotary on Tap held with the Konza Rotary Club was a great success. Cup money this month goes to Big Brothers and Big Sisters.

Steven Graham introduced Ernie Minton, dean of agriculture; Casey Lauer, associate vice president of facilities; and Kerry Wefald, director of development for the College of Agriculture and leader of the College Advancement Team. The team provided updates on the $220 million College of Agriculture and K-State Research and Extension Agriculture Innovation Initiative. The largest of its kind among the Big 12 schools has 88% of the funds required to complete the project. Plans include four newly constructed buildings for agronomy, the animal science livestock arena, the Global Center for Grain and Food Innovation, and the Feedlot. Renovations are slated for Call and Weber halls. These new and updated facilities provide an unparalleled K-State student experience, teaching, and research for a positive economic, community, and societal impact. Projections are for every $1 spent there is a $17 return on investment. This phase of the project will be completed in two years. In honor of our speakers’ contributions, the children’s book “Thank a Farmer” will be donated to the Bluemont Elementary School library.

Solar Kiwanis Club

The Manhattan Solar Kiwanis Club met at noon on June 25, at the Blue Hills Room. There were 10 members present. Club President Karl Dean led the meeting. Charlie Sargent led the song, Doug Ackley led the pledge and Tim Lindemuth gave the invocation.

Dee Herde had a birthday on June 28. Wedding anniversaries before our next meeting are Greg Doering and Amy on June 29, and Phil Anderson and Dawn on July 1.

Tepe has set up a SignUpGenius account to keep track of those who are helping at our July 4 pancake breakfast. This is our biggest fundraiser and we need everyone’s help to make it successful. Google and enter Chad’s email ( or just contact Chad in person to let him know what time slots you can work. Also, Charlie needs more businesses to donate for advertising on our pancake breakfast placemats. Please let Charlie know if you can help solicit businesses to buy advertising. The Kansas District Kiwanis Convention is at the Hilton Garden Inn in Salina on Aug. 2-4. The registration fee of $75.00 will be paid by our club for those attending. If you are interested in attending, please let Secretary Doug know.

Long time Solar Kiwanian Gaylon Kintner passed away on June 13. His health prevented him from being an active Solarian but he was generous with monetary donations for club service projects and fundraisers. Visitation was at Parkview Funeral Home in Manhattan last Sunday and graveside services followed at the Frankfort Cemetery in Frankfort. President Karl will be attending the International Kiwanis Convention next weekend and will not be able to turn pancakes for our pancake breakfast. Karl will share his experiences at the International Convention when he returns. We will not meet next week, on July 2. Get rested up for our July 4 pancake breakfast. Our next Tuesday meeting will be on July 9.

Happy Dollar donations were given for various reasons: for star philatelist and Solarian Tim Lindemuth; for Tepe, Sargent and Anderson for organizing our annual pancake breakfast; the music at church camp; Solarians helping host the Solar Kiwanis River Cats ice cream party.

President Dean called upon Solarian Phil Anderson to update us on the RiverFront MHK project. Anderson indicated that the RiverFront MHK project is part of the Beyond Tomorrow Downtown Plan adopted by the Manhattan City Commission via Ordinance No. 7700 on May 21. It is envisioned to contribute greatly to the gateway into Manhattan, downtown and Linear Trail. Future development will set the stage to link to a programmed riverfront along the Kansas River. Anderson presented several steps and timelines for funding and development of Riverfront MHK.

Solar Kiwanis meets at noon at the Blue Hills Room next to RC McGraw’s in the Blue Hills Shopping Center. Our next weekly meeting will be Tuesday, July 9, and Solarian Jim Bach will have the program. Contact Secretary Doug Ackley ( or 785-539-4945) if you have any questions. Some of these ideas will be discussed further at the next Solar Kiwanis Board of Directors meeting.

Welcome Club of Manhattan

The Welcome Club of Manhattan met June 20 at the Blue Hills Room for the monthly luncheon and meeting with President Sharon Stemple presiding. Marcia Rozell, director of Visit Manhattan, presented the program on Manhattan tourism.

Treasurer Bobbi Schesser gave the financial report. Kelly Garber won the free lunch ticket. Linda Illgner was a guest. President Sharon presented long-stemmed roses to birthday celebrants Mildred Armstrong, Sharon Stemple, Joyce Todd, Gloria Heiberger, Carolyn White, Chris Eilers, Bobbi Schesser and Jennifer Sturges.

July activities include First Tuesday Bunko July 2; Third Monday Bunko July 15; Fourth Monday Bunko July 22; Hand and Foot cards July 11 and 25; Bridge July 26; Book Club July 9; Coffee Tyme July 12; Mexican Train July 23. The July luncheon will be held at the Blue Hills Room July 18.

The Welcome Club is open to all new and current members of the Manhattan community. For more information call Sharon Zierlein, membership chair, at 785-282-0594 or Sharon Stemple, president, at 480-220-1340 for club activities or reservations.