We want to extend a hearty congratulations to everyone who participated in the Riley County Fair this year!

Fairs like ours are a celebration of community and of our rural heritage. They represent hard work, learning new skills and coming together in numerous ways: to compete, to socialize, to teach, and to accomplish something we couldn’t do alone.

It’s a joy to attend an event that puts on display so many of our best qualities.

As the fair wraps up, the carnival leaves for the next stop. The rodeo cowgirls and boys move on to another competition. What remains is all the people in our community who came out to share their talents and effort with the community.

For the 4-Hers and others who raised a rabbit, baked some bread, sewed a skirt, planted a potato or built a bookcase, great job. You should be proud. We wish you all the blue ribbons. (Well, purple if your aim is to get to the state fair.)

And to those who volunteered their time to make possible an event like the county fair: thank you. We appreciate your efforts, even if they’re often invisible.

If you missed it, be sure to save the date for next year’s fair. It’s a great way to spend a summer evening.