
Global Content Solutions for Technology Companies

TransPerfect enables technology companies of any kind–hardware manufacturers, software developers, diversified big tech powerhouses, disruptive startups–to launch products, build influence, and maximize their presence. From product manuals and packaging to websites, support materials, AI solutions, and live customer support, our approach to multilingual programs ensures that you’re able to reach and connect with your customers in their preferred languages.

Technology Partners

Drive growth with a partner who values innovation

Leading technology companies need to focus as many resources as possible on development and launch, and any time spent worrying about the logistics of coordinating releases in multiple countries distracts from the drive to innovate. That’s why leading technology companies trust TransPerfect and our GlobalLink translation management system to continually simplify the process of creating and deploying content in any language. We're constantly innovating solutions and improving our existing tools to ensure they make the translation process as easy as possible.

We know the technology industry
  • We’ve helped countless numbers of hardware, software, app, and technology companies launch products globally.
  • Our turnkey software localization solution includes not just translation, but also a layout and in-context review plus software testing to make sure it looks and functions like it was designed for the target audience.
  • We offer a true multi-channel customer support solution for your global customers.
  • We provide a proprietary translation management technology so you can manage your files, projects, and updates quickly and easily.
  • High quality is one of our principles, so we use an ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certified quality management system.
Our customized solutions for all technology sectors
  • Enterprise, Cloud, and Customized Software
  • App Development
  • Online Platforms
  • Software Development
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Tech-Enabled Services
  • Electronic Equipment, Instruments, and Components
  • Technology Hardware, Storage, Equipment, and Peripherals
  • Electronic Manufacturing Services
  • Semiconductors and Semiconductor Equipment
Our solutions

Establish, Grow, and Maximize Your Business Globally

We’re here to provide multilingual product development, release, and support for technology organizations. We have a full range of services and technologies to support all of your needs.

Content Authoring (N)

Content Authoring

Create content for a variety of uses and industries, either independently or in collaboration with your team.

Document Translation (O)

Document Translation

Translate documents of all types, including highly technical and industry-specific documents, into more than 170 languages.

GlobalLink Technology (B)

GlobalLink Translation Management System

Our translation management system combines project management, workflow automation, app localization, and translation memory in a single user-friendly platform to handle all your translation and localization needs.

Software & Mobile Globalization

Software & Mobile App Localization

A full lifecycle solution for software and mobile app localization, including initial strategy consultation, localization, and functional testing in context in order for the product to perform consistently and accurately across languages.

Website Localization (O)

Website Localization

Creating, launching, and optimizing websites in multiple languages is simple, quick, and cost-effective with our GlobalLink technology, which requires minimal project management or IT involvement, and sites can go live in as little as 30 days.

QA, Testing & Accessibility (B)

QA, Testing & Accessibility

Our full-service QA, testing, and accessibility services ensure that your software, websites, apps, and interactive media will be error-free and perform consistently across languages, operating systems, browsers, channels, and devices.

Customer Support (N)

Customer Support

We've developed a full suite of services and technology-backed solutions for contact centers, over-the-phone interpretation, chat, and other ways to engage with customers around the world.

Client Stories

We're proud of the company we keep


Kickstart your global strategy

We enable our clients to reach new markets globally by connecting with their audiences and providing the best possible customer experience—in any language. 



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